Sunday, September 28, 2008

brooke is officially cooking


starting off fresh ..

what to post for your first post? This question - my friends - is what has kept me from starting this little blog for some time now. Then today I figured, its never going to happen if I dont just do it. (oh it was that question and the fact that someone else already had the domain name I wanted - but Im over that now.)

So here we are, posting. For the first time ever. On Brooke Cooks. (notice the domain is actually brookebakes.blogspot but Im calling it Brooke Cooks) I like the ring of that better. I do have another blog, Brooke & Freeland, where I post all about our lovely little messy & beautiful life.


For some time now I have been taking pictures of all the food my husband & I made. At first I just wanted to learn more about photography and since the only other thing I had was our cats & dogs and you can only do so much with them - I figured I would learn with our food.

Since then we have moved to Erie, PA & my husband has started med school. I then found myself with more time and more of a desire to learn things I didnt know in the kitchen. So I started trying new recipes, collecting new books, and taking notes along the way. I originally came up with a system where I was going to take pictures of everything, keep notes, make a little book, and be all super organized - but im not that organized so it didnt work.

Then it occurred to me .. I may not be as organized as I want to be but I do love (warm fuzzy love) blogging so why not start a blog!? chello.

And here I am. Starting another blog. I hope to journal my experiments, disasters, and yummy successes along the way. Maybe one day Martha Stewart will discover me and .. just kidding. But really hopefully I can create a book of our families favorite recipes to one day pass along to our kids. (and by kids I mean the ones we dont have and arent planning to have for a while in case anyone has any crazy ideas family!)

Back to the kitchen...

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