Tuesday, February 17, 2009

{twd} Devils Food White Out Cake

Its been a long time my friends since I have participated in Tuesdays with Dorie. Mostly because things kept getting hectic {I emailed dont worry} but also because we have been trying to eat healthier so I haven't been baking as much {which used to be 3-4 times a week}

So this week confessions of a city eater picked the cake on the cover of Dorie's book.


I knew right away there was no way I could make the whole cake since nobody would eat it.

So I cut the recipe way down and did cupcakes instead. {which broke my heart because I really wanted to make this cake just because its pretty & I knew the pictures would be nice!}

It worked pretty well.. The batter was easy enough.. especially since there wasn't much.

until I forgot that I was baking them!! Our timer is broken and so I went up stairs and didn't even think about it again until I smelt burning from downstairs! OOPS!

I guess that means Im going to just HAVE to make the entire cake next time. :)

*sorry Freeland threw them away before I could take a picture of them burnt.
*Recipe: From my home to yours pages 247-249


B said...

I hear you about the cooking healthy. Dorie's recipes aren't exactly on the light side. We try a small piece and then I take it to work the next day. They'll eat anything. Sorry about your cupcakes, I am sure they would have been great!

beach real estate said...

sorry to hear about your cupcakes..