Tuesday, October 14, 2008

{twd} Lenox Almond Biscotti


Back with another Tuesdays with Dorie post. Ever since I ordered my cook book I have been dying to make this recipe. Well, actually its Freeland that has been patiently waiting for me to try this one out. See, our old next door neighbor {who is a professional caterer} in Waco used to always make biscotti.. and each & every time she did she would bring Freeland over a little basket full of them. He loved them! Really .. he "isnt a sweets person" so for him to gobble up these cookies biscotti as quick as he does - means he really loves them.

He especially loves biscotti dipped with in his coffee.

So since we moved to Erie he has been asking if I would make some for him. And I honestly have been meaning to for months now. So I have now officially made my first biscotti ever.. thanks to Gretchen from Canela & Comino who selected the recipe this week!

Its really not too hard to make at all. I dont know why I kept putting it off. Its just like baking cookies - but instead you dry them out. I cant wait to play around with the recipe now and try out new things!

the biscotti spread out after the first round in the oven..

I knew from all the other bloggers that the dough would spread the first time in the oven so I put my dough in the fridge for about 30 minutes before I baked it. It spread - but not as much as I think it would have if I didnt refrigerate it first.

sliced and "lined up like a marching band" .. ready to go back in for the second round

Some people thought the cornmeal made the biscotti too grainy. I didnt notice it.. but Im not a biscotti guru so Im not the best person to ask. Freeland hasnt tried them yet - as soon as he does I will let you know what he thinks.

the finished biscotti. perfectly toasted and ready to be dipped

So stay tuned. The verdict will be posted in the morning.

*Updated: Freeland LOVED the Biscotti. Huge hit. He actually finished off every last piece of it all himself!

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