Tuesday, November 25, 2008

{twd} Twofer Pie

Photo credit : La Casserole Carree

This weeks Tuesday with Dorie recipe was the "Thanksgiving Twofer Pie" which means Two Pies for only the effort of one. Think half pumpkin & half pecan.

I wasnt sure what to do with it because we are doing Thanksgiving with some friends.. and she is making pie. So I knew if I made this there wasnt anyway that we could finish it ourselves. BUT I missed out on the last 2 weeks of TWD so I knew I needed to get my bottom in gear and start baking.

Sadly, my camera died while I was making this so I wasnt able to get any pictures. Thats why the picture above is from La Casserole Carree, who selected this weeks recipe. Her blog is very cute. Its in french, but you can click "translate" on the top right corner and read it in English. I loved reading through her blog.. and thought it was sweet of her to pick this for Thanksgiving even though she doesnt celebrate it herself!

So the pie was a challenge. I read the comments and felt like other people had so many questions. Mostly about freezing the pie to save it for Thursday.. but it made me a little nervous.

The pie turned out fine. Its not my favorite. But it was still good. Maybe Im picky when it comes to pie? Or maybe because a friend of mine also made a pie just like this last week and I was burnt out? Freeland enjoyed it. I used a deep dish pie pan and it seemed to work out just fine. I kept my eye on it the entire time it was baking so it wasnt under/over cooked.

And no matter what - add some whipped cream and its great! That helps with everything I think. If you want the recipe please check out Dorie Greenspans book or look over at Vibi's blog.

Off to get ready & start prepping for our Thanksgiving meal


Leslie said...

I hate it when the camera doesn't cooperate! Glad you liked the pie!

Missy "Sydney wedding photography" John said...

its fine as long as your food is great that i think what matters most..

Brisbane forklifts said...

how does it taste by the way?