Thursday, October 30, 2008

Homemade Applesauce


Since we have an abundance of apples around here.. and way more than we can eat.. I was searching for something to do with them before they all went bad.

I came up with lots of yummy recipes but knew that I would just end up throwing them away since Freeland doesnt ever finish sweets that often.

Then I saw a commercial for applesauce. It never occurred to me to ever try to make that before.. ever in my life. I really never thought about it! So Applesauce it was!


before the apples started cooking

Im not a huge applesauce person though (side note: have you noticed the last few things I posted I said I wasnt a fan of? I promise I make things that i love also .. and Im really not that picky!) .. so back to me not eating applesauce.. I really had no idea what it should taste like.. so of course I went straight to my MS cookbook. I knew she would have a recipe that would be great & Freeland was bound to love. She never really fails us.

Turns out, I was right. She came through - like she always does. Freeland LOVED it!

And an extra bonus - while you are making this... it makes your house smell heavenly!


After the apples break down.. its almost ready!

I couldnt believe that the apples just break down on their own! Obviously, Im a newby to homemade applesauce.. but feel free to leave the apple slices pretty large because they wil break down.

Also just a little note from me to you: I found it very helpful asking my incredibly hot husband to assist me & I recommend everyone to do the same!! He peeled, cored, and diced everyone of the apples for me - and I couldnt have been more thankful. It kind of takes a while. (But dont be weary - the prep is super quick an easy once the apples are done though .. so dont worry if you start dicing and its taking a long time - everything else is done in .5 seconds)

Homemade Applesauce
*adapted from The Martha Stewart Living Cookbook

18 apples (about 6 pounds) peeled, cored, and quartered
1 cup of apple cider
1 large cinnamon stick
1/2 vanilla bean, split and scraped
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3/4 cup of sugar (or to taste)
2 table spoons of fresh lemon juice
*1/4 cup of brown sugar & some extra ground cinnamon


  1. Combine apples, apple cider, cinnamon, vanilla bean and the scrapings, the ginger, nutmeg, sugar, and lemon juice in a large heavy-bottomed wide saucepan.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat, and cook, stirring often with a wooden spoon to prevent scorching, until the apples are broken down and saucy.. 50-60 minutes. Mash any large pieces of apple with the spoon if any of them still need to be broken down. *Season with more sugar & spices if you want.
  3. Remove the apple mixture from heat, and let stand to cook completely before serving, discarding the cinnamon stick and vanilla pod.
The applesauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Or in a freezer for up to 2 months.

If you want pink applesauce, dont peel the apples, and then just pass them through a food mill to remove the skins.

The original recipe also uses cardamom and mace spices. I didnt have those & didnt want to buy them .. but if you do Im sure it would be great! I added the brown sugar & a little extra ground cinnamon to mine. But really everything after the cinnamon stick is optional. And you dont have to use sugar at all.


Bungalow Barbara said...

Isn't home-made applesauce great? It's even easier if you have a food mill. Wash the apples, cut into quarters -- you don't even have to peel or core -- and cook down into mush. The food mill takes care of removing the skins and seeds.

Enjoy! Welcome to TWD, too. You take great pictures!

Anonymous said...

This looks delicious! I love homemade applesauce.